Reading on integrating experimental and observational research design

Because people stumble into the career of market research from so many other fields, many books on research and survey design need to be written at a basic level.

The books listed below, though, are different. Many leap to a level of mental gymnastics that some of us haven’t experienced since college. But the exercise can be good for you! Even if you initially only understand 10% of it, that 10% can set you free to rise above the mundane.

Unfortunately, since I haven’t reading these books myself, I can’t yet give you a full mapping yet of which fit together, which are too tough, and which might be skipped over.

  • Leslie Kish, Survey Sampling (1965) [Classic text for dealing with imperfect sampling (non-response, lack of coverage) and complex sampling (multi-stage and multi-level)]
  • Kerlinger and Lee, Foundations of Behavioral Research (1999) [Comprehensive text that reaches from the past almost into the present]
  • Shadish, Cook, and Campbell, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design for Generalized Causal Inference (2001) [The best book, and the one that new methods aspire to beat]
  • Paul R. Rosenbaum, Observational Studies (2002) [The new generation: propensity-scoring…]
  • Donald B. Rubin, Matched Sampling for Causal Effects (2006) [Key thinker of new generation]
  • Judea Pearl, Causality: Models, Reasoning and Interference (2000, 2009) [Coming out of the field of computer science, Pearl writes almost as a mathematical philosopher, challenging both the new generation and the old, and giving you a new understanding of structural equation modeling]